Rat Control

Stop Rodents With Our Pest Control Services!

Get in touch with us if you need assistance with rat control and other rodent removal in Bristol. Rat infestations may harm both residential and commercial properties and have a disastrous impact on public health. Rats can spread dangerous diseases, leave behind rubbish, cause property damage, and even shut down businesses. They can also cause various illnesses. Please, give us a call if rats and other rodents are causing issues to your property and well-being.

rat in cage

Identifying A Rat

The two most common rats that can be found in the UK are the brown rat, and black rat. The brown rat is the larger of the two, weighs considerably more, and measure more than 40cm from snout to tail. The black rat has less fur, and has a pointed nose. Salmonella and listeria are among the nasty illnesses that rats carry on their bodies, as well as in the trails of faeces and urine they leave behind. They are drawn to food, water, and shelter and have a high reproductive rate, which can cause a serious infestation.

rat hole

Signs You Have A Rat Infestation

There are a few obvious signs that indicate you may have a rat within your property. Some examples include:

Other than seeing a physical rat, these are clear ways to tell if you have a rat or not. If you suspect any of the above, please contact us.

Other Rodents

Not only do we specialise in rat control, but we also help remove other rodent such as mice, garden moles and squirrels. Just like rats, these cause unwanted problems to your home or business.


Because mice are so versatile, getting rid of them needs quick and effective action. House mice chew through things, urinate regularly, and reproduce swiftly. Like rats, an infestation can spread quickly. Infestations in the UK are most frequently brought on by wood and house mice, with the latter being the smaller and more bothersome of the two kinds.

Garden Moles

Garden moles are ground-dwelling, partly sighted rodents that tunnel through your garden, making them difficult to eradicate. When they finally show themselves, lawns, fields, and other properties are left with unattractive molehills that have caused harm. In order to deal with garden moles, we have eco-friendly methods that don’t damage your soil, plants, or other wildlife.


Although the sighting of grey squirrels can be welcoming to most, they can cause issues if there is an abundance of them in one area. They are responsible for damages such as extensive roof damage including the chewing of wooden timbers, and fibreglass. This can lead to structural integrity being compromised. For efficient grey squirrel eradication, we use traps as well as certain chemical solutions.


The easiest way to avoid rat infestations and interaction with rodents is to remove all sources of food, water, and shelter. Snap traps are a reliable method for quickly eliminating rats. However, we strongly recommend giving us a call to help fully eradicate these pests.

Regrettably, these invading animals never depart on their own. This is particularly true if you have a constant food supply on your property. Rats enter homes, like other rodents, in pursuit of three necessities: food, water, and refuge.

For Fast Rat Control, Choose Our Experienced Team

To get rid of rats and other rodents, give us a call today.

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