Solar Panel Bird Proofing

Protecting Your Property Efficiently

Solar panels are increasing in popularity in Bristol and around the UK, meaning they will need proofing from birds. Solar panel bird proofing refers to the use of strategies to keep birds out of commercial structures or regions where they could nest. Maintaining a clean and secure workplace benefits all. For environmentally friendly homes and business, these birds can result in costly repairs and energy loss. To prepare your property for a better future, get in touch with Best Pest Control 4U Ltd.

bird net

Bird Nesting Installation

Using bird mesh wire or netting is our go-to technique for protecting your solar panels from birds. In order to prevent birds from pecking through the solar panels’ surfaces, bird mesh is used as a seal. This technique is one of the most popular since the mesh may be attached to the panels with no negative impact on their performance or harm to your roof. The birds are not harmed by bird mesh in the same way that they may be by spikes.

seagulls on roof

Importance Of Solar Panel Bird Proofing

It’s of the utmost importance to opt for solar panel bird proofing. Birds, especially pigeons, can cause a large amount of damage. Pigeons will make a big mess since they prefer to nest under the panels. When it rains, twigs and leaves will probably cover your roof, wash into the gutters, and clog your drains. Additionally, bird droppings leave an unsightly mess on your roof, windows, and subsurface area.

The effectiveness of the solar panels will be decreased by defecation on their tops, which will occur in pigeon nesting sites. The panels won’t work because of the sun’s rays being blocked by bird droppings. To learn more, please give us a call.


Pigeon killing requires a licence and ought to only be carried out after all other possibilities have been exhausted. If your house or place of business is being troubled by pigeons, get in touch with us right away.

No. Gulls are protected by law, which also specifies when and how they may be removed. If gulls or their nesting practises have become a significant issue or a threat to the public’s health, a licence must be filed for.

In Need Of Solar Panel Bird Proofing? Give Us A Call

If you require bird proofing for your property, please get in touch.

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